Our clients are our friends

Our candidates have ingenuity, grit, passion and sometimes a blemish or two. We help them build and execute the strategy on how to pull that all together. And we are 100% successful. 

Our candidates get into top MBA programs, but they also get into great MBA programs that are the right fit for them and the reality is that M7 universities are not for everyone. Our clients sometimes have gaps in their work experience, not from prestigious firms, potentially low GPAs and turbulent university experiences, or personal situations that created setbacks - we do not shy away from profiles that have these blemishes, instead we make lemonade from lemons. 

Client with a low gpa, and over indexed in extra-curricular

Heading to Oxford for her MBA

Challenges: low gpa, over indexed in extra-curriculars, applying as an international student
GMAT: 700
Age: 31

Strategic positioning: we worked together to present very clear post MBA path leveraging her passion for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) we outlined her short term goals of working in an global NGO and then transitioning to create her own business consulting organizations on DEI 

Testimonial: Rita has been my partner in crime throughout the whole MBA application process. Not only was she extremely patient to address each and single one of my concerns, she also provided sharp insights on how to best approach targeted schools. Rita truly has a knack for understanding the subtext behind each question and how answers should fit in the overall evaluation of the applicant's profile. I heartily recommend working with Rita, for she will highlight your best features:
Regardless of the admission outcomes, you will walk away from this collaboration with a renewed confidence in your achievements and a better sense on how to showcase your strengths.

Aiming for a world class school

Heading to London Business School for her MBA

Thank you so much for helping me prepare for my interview yesterday and last week! Your suggestions and additional content really helped me feel more confident and prepared for my interview today.

Older applicant, gap in experience

Heading to Schulich School of Business for her MBA

Challenges: older applicant, 6 year gap in work experience, lack of extracurriculars
GMAT: 710
Age: 34
Pre-MBA: structural engineering

Strategic positioning: we focused on contributions the applicant could bring to the program being more experienced, we also focused on career progression and a unique but relevant post MBA career choice of joining a family business with a clear business case 

Testimonial: Rita is an adept and extremely thorough admissions consultant and it was a pleasure working with her.   As a design engineer, my work was very technical and Rita had to go through the resume and interview answers and edit them to cut the technical jargon, but still communicate the work I did in a more comprehensible way.
We also rehearsed for the interview and video essays a couple of times, so by the time of the actual interview I was well prepared and comfortable with the entire process. She was always there to answer any questions I had and was very supportive and encouraging throughout the entire application process. I had a gap in employment, which needed to be addressed and presented to the admissions committee in an appropriate way. Rita approached the red flags in my profile and focused on the positives and learnings in all cases and refined my application to strive for the best possible outcome. For one school we had to change the application strategy completely and Rita supported me in doing so even though there was some rework involved.
I finally got admitted in the Schulich school of Business with an entrance award.

Uncertainty on which school

Heading to University of Toronto for her MBA

Challenges: lack of clear post MBA goal, uncertain which MBA programs to apply to
GMAT: 700
Age: 28
Pre-MBA: healthcare

Strategic positioning: we focused on a deep dive into previous accomplishments to identify skills that are transferable and worked to identify clear post MBA career paths as well as an in-depth program discovery to identify 3 schools to focus on for applications.

Testimonial: Rita was instrumental in the success I had getting into my top choice MBA program.
She took the time to really get to know me, knew the right kind of questions to ask, and ensured my voice was never lost in whatever element we were working on.
We worked on a timeline that was fair to both of our schedules, she was quick to respond to all of my questions and provided in-depth answers each time. We worked together on all aspects of the application process, from determining what programs fit my needs and the different approaches to get a feel for each program, to working on the essays and practicing for the interviews.
She gives all the tools one needs to navigate the application process and provides honest constructive feedback to improve all elements of the application. Her holistic approach to the application process was most important to me, every step of the process was well thought out and the ideal approach was determined before action was taken. Thanks to her support I got into my programs of choice, with impressive scholarships!

Client with a gap in experience, and lower GMAT

Heading to Queens University for his MBA

Challenges: 2 year gap in experience, low GMAT, average GPA
GMAT: 650
Age: 32
Pre-MBA: software engineering

Strategic positioning: enhanced academic presence in their profile by highlighting successes through recent courses, creating a narrative for a strong post MBA career; through extensive review identified unique leadership experiences to align to key admission drivers.

After I started working with Rita on my MBA application, she came up with a detailed plan with the list of tasks with mutually agreed deadlines. This plan included all the tasks such as attending information sessions, talking with student ambassadors, meeting a member from the admissions team and preparing for essays and interviews.  This gave a clear idea of the efforts and time required before submitting the application. During our first meeting, she spent more than an hour understanding my profile, my strengths and my weaknesses. This meeting gave me a clear idea about which achievements I should highlight in my essays and interviews. As a first step, we started working on my resume.
I prepared my resume with many technical details in the first draft. I am a software developer with mainly development experience of 5 years and have a gap year in my experience. She modified my resume significantly to highlight my leadership skills and the business impact I created. I did a certification course during the gap year to learn about product management. She explained to me how to use that certification to explain the gap year and how the MBA will help me achieve my goal. I was asked this question directly in my interview and I was able to convince the admissions team to get an admit.
Apart from working on essays for my target schools, she helped me a lot with mock interviews. I was a bit nervous about interviews, but she shared a list of 40+ questions and I wrote answers for all of them. She reviewed all of them and modified them. She took 3 mock interviews to help me get the confidence. Once she woke up really early to take my mock interview before my call with a member of the admissions team as I was unwell on the previous day. 
I applied to Ivey and Queens as they were my first two choices and finally got an admit from Queens. Rita is a true expert in the admission process. I had a great experience working with her.